Meet the Smartest Celebrities In The World
Celebrities are known worldwide for their stunning looks, well-toned bodies, and affairs, which we believe is pretty unfair to them. We cannot help it because that’s what makes them famous, right? We associate the term celebrity with those who are part of the entertainment industry. Ironically, we overlook all other aspects of their lives and skills except for what’s in the public domain- their on-camera and off-camera lives. We never discuss how intelligent most celebrities are.
But what about the numerous talents our beloved celebs are gifted with? Have you ever tried to find out what other talent does your favorite actor or actress possesses? Someone could be a great writer, while someone could be interested in making music. Then there’s a long list of celebrities who possess incredible business acumen and political intelligence. Sadly, since we watch them on screen, on YouTube, and social networks, we have started believing that celebrities are dumb as the only thing they can do well is looking good and act. We seldom consider celebrities as smart and intellectual individuals, which actually we should start doing right away. So, what does smartness really means? If we scroll through the dictionary to find its literal meaning, the word Smart means possessing or displaying “a quick-witted intelligence” in contrast, intelligence is the “ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.” With this in mind, let’s find out which celebrities are the smartest in the world according to their IQ (intelligence quotient) score.