Top Ten Ways to Show Love to Your Cat

We all love to adopt a cat. Nothing can be as gratifying as having a pet by your side as it generates a feeling of completeness in your heart. Animals need homes, and we can play a defining role in helping them find a family and live a secure life. In return, you get peace of mind, a companion to take you along on lonely walks, and someone to play with or cuddle if you are alone.

However, the problem is that few of us are aware of the care instructions when adopting a cat. Unfortunately, we don’t get an instructions manual to understand how to make our beloved feline happy and feel loved. It doesn’t matter what breed or race your cat belongs to, whether small or big, wild or docile; every cat needs love and affection. So, today we will showcase ten different methods to show your cat how much you love and care for them.

Give them Wholesome Attention

Attention is critical to eliminating feelings of insecurity and hesitation from your pet cat. By attention, we don’t mean you should keep checking the cat’s whereabouts. Instead, we mean you should encourage their engagement. It means we should show how much we care for them. This entails spending quality time with the cat whenever you can. And it also involves doing all those necessary chores for your cat that are part of her daily grooming.

Such as, you should clean your cat’s coat yourself, remove dead hair to prevent her from drowning in hairballs, check for fleas, and keep them healthy. All these aspects are crucial not only for the welfare of your feline but also to bond with her. When you do everything yourself, the cat will develop a strong, affectionate relationship and wholeheartedly accept you as her owner and guardian.

Regularly Massage Your Cat

Massaging is yet another way to show your love to your pet feline. Believe it or not, massaging is an excellent way to bond with the animal. That’s because it involves touching. When you touch the pet from head to tail, it creates positive vibes and allows the cat to relax. Furthermore, the gentle strokes of a massage session can lower your cat’s blood pressure and make them calm and stress-free.

The process of giving your cat a massage is pretty simple. It would help if you kept the hand pressure gentle and smooth, stroking the cat from her nose to her tail. Keep stroking her and let her indulge in watching videos and pictures of other cats. Funny videos are the best way to make your cat feel comfortable in your company. Slowly and gradually, you will identify those areas where the cat enjoys a massage the most. And it is a great technique to identify any bumps or lumps on the cat’s body at the right time.

Train Them with Love

Training a pet so that they can understand your gestures and do as directed could be a tiring and troublesome task for you and the cat. The ideal way to train your pet appropriately while keeping them happy and feeling loved is to make the session fun-filled. Never stress the pet much and let them learn at their own pace.

If you force them into submission to your orders, the cat will become distant, and the purpose of having a pet will be lost. On the other hand, if you make the session entertaining for your cat, they will definitely look forward to this session every day. Young cats may like to race around to spend their excess energy. To address this issue, there’s no need to tire yourself up. Get her some cat toys and let her play around. Cat toys are excellent for offering them an outlet to demonstrate their predatory instincts and reduce boredom. It is also a great way to let your pet stretch and exercise.

Groom Your Cat with Love

Grooming your cat should be an integral part of your weekly routine. Cutting the cat’s nails, brushing her teeth, or keeping her clean and hygienic is crucial for pet grooming, but there are many other elements that you cannot afford to ignore. Grooming is basically a collection of routines to help you spend more time with your pet and make unforgettable memories for yourself and the feline.

Pet grooming helps keep the animal in good shape and promotes sebum production. It is an oily fluid produced by the sebaceous glands at the base of every hair strand. Grooming regulates this action and keeps your cat’s skin healthy. Moreover, the sebum spreads all over the hair coat through licking and keeps it glossy, protected, and well-lubricated. Grooming is also beneficial in preventing hair loss, dirt, mats, and parasites like fleas. The best outcome is that it creates a loving bond between the cat and you. You can also include kissing and cuddling in your grooming routine to make it even more effective.

Communication is the Key

No matter which animal you have as your pet, communication will always be vital to building a relationship and strengthening it in the long run. Regarding cats, communication is of profound significance as cats are social animals and love communicating with their owners. They like their owners to talk to them and help them understand the commands.

So, to communicate well with your pet, it is necessary to understand every major to minor gesture and cue that your cat gives away to reciprocate her feelings and needs. Your job is to understand what the feline wants to say when she meows or moves her tail or ears. Ignoring these signs could cause a crack in your relationship with your pet, whereas being attentive to these signs can be extremely helpful in making them feel loved.

Play Time

All work and no play would make anyone dull and socially isolated. Never do that to yourself and your pet. Always allocate some time in your daily routine to play with your cat. Playtime could be the ultimate move to build a strong relationship with the cat and become friends with her. Cats love to play with toys, and running is another one of their favorite activities. You can easily participate in both. You have to bring her some toys and engage her in different playful activities.

Remember that movement is necessary for your pet. It doesn’t matter what cat breed you have because every cat requires more or less a similar amount of physical activity to stay healthy. And playtime could become the best time of the day for your feline. Providing her with accessories or toys like a scratching board or even a cat tree is an excellent idea for the better development of your pet.

Give Them Proper Intros

When you plan to get a new pet, it is essential to properly introduce your cat to the new dog, kitten, puppy, or rabbit. That’s important because it will make the cat feel they are a vital part of the family. This is also applicable to whoever arrives in the house. If you are expecting guests, ensure they treat your pet cat well and don’t ignore her.

Ignorance could be lethal for the sensitive feline. Cats are generally more emotionally charged than dogs or other animals. That’s why to bond with them, you must make them feel at home and an integral part of your life. When you return home from work, don’t forget to pat her and spend a few minutes telling the cat about your day. It could be a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your pet and satisfy the curious nature of the feline.


Catnip can also help you show your love to the cat. When the feline scent it, they start acting like they are in heat. Don’t be surprised if the feline starts rubbing her head and body on the herb. They might also roll around, jump, salivate, and vocalize all of a sudden. Don’t worry about it, as the reaction lasts no more than ten minutes.

After the reaction, the cat becomes tolerant of catnip’s effects for around 30 minutes. Their sensitivity to catnip is hereditary. Do you know approximately 70-80% of all cats show the same behavior when they come into contact with catnip? It’s hilarious, isn’t it? Another interesting fact is that catnips don’t cause a similar reaction among kittens. That’s because they don’t reach sexual maturity until they reach the age of six months.

Stress Busting Activities

Keep your cat stressed-free, and you will be the luckiest pet owner in the world. That’s true, folks! A stress-free cat is a blessing because it will make your home environment full of love and happiness. Conversely, a stressed-out cat would make your life miserable. Now, it is your responsibility to make sure your cat stays stress-free.

That’s not something really hard as you need to adopt several effective, tried-and-tested strategies to help your cat. One of the best strategies is to prevent all those scenarios or actions that you believe usually make your cat anxious and stressed. It could be the addition of another cat or relocating to another home. Some can get scared of strangers in the house, and some may be allergic to certain foods. Whatever the case, the objective should be to keep them relaxed, and for this, you must do proper behavior observation, and the changes will definitely be worthwhile.

Shower Cats with Treats

If you feel that your feline has understood your request and followed instructions fairly well, don’t forget to reward her with exclusive cat treats. Usually, people reward their cats with food. But that’s not the right approach because food should be a mandatory part of your feline’s routine and not be made into a reward.

By rewarding your cat, we mean you should show the cat your love with something special. It could be a snack that you don’t normally feed her. Anything that’s not a part of her daily routine and seems exclusive should be used as a treat to make the cat happy and keep her motivated. Find something unique and keep it stored in your pantry. Treat her with some goodies whenever you feel that the cat deserves a treat, like when the pet behaves well in public or follows your instructions. This can be a winning strategy while training your pet.

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