World’s 25 Deadliest Bridges No One Likes to Cross

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Although most people who experience gephyrophobia, or the fear of crossing bridges, are unaware they do, it is a common type of phobia. Many persons who also experience claustrophobia (fear of being trapped in confined spaces) or acrophobia (fear of heights) find that crossing bridges might cause them distress. Gephyrophobia understands that this fear is unjustified, as with other phobias, while having real concerns about the bridge crumbling or even of driving their automobile over the edge.

The world’s deadliest bridges are those with creaky boards or astonishing heights that, should they not collapse, may make you want to jump out of them. They can be pretty frightening, but if you’re allowed to cross, they’re usually not dangerous and can be a big draw for thrill-seekers. The most significant thing is that they frequently have some of the most gorgeous landscapes if you manage to get on board. Normal bridges which help thousands of people travel to daily are enough redirect the route of individuals. The world’s deadliest bridges that terrify even the most daring adventurers are mentioned below:

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