Photos That Prove The Truth Is Out There
As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Recently the United States National Security Agency (NSA) have made their U.F.O file reports public. There are a lot of juicy material that conspiracy theorists can now pat themselves on the shoulder. Yes, U.F.O.s have visited us earthlings.
If you’re not one to believe in extraterrestrial beings and think that us humans are the only ones in this massive universe and many galaxies that we live in…. you are wrong. It is time to believe and these photos will help you to do so.
Escorting a U.F.O?
Typically we see military fighter jets ushering important planes, such as Air Force One to protect the President of the United States. This photo was taken on July 2, 2015 in Bradford, West Yorkshire England. This photo was is a still of a video recorded sighting by a walker. There are two military fighter jet flying in uniform escorting a real U.F.O. to perhaps a secret base. One has to wonder if this is real or not… but from the looks of it, it’s pretty convincing.
Biblical Painting
Maybe just maybe there were aliens and UFOs way before our time in the era of Jesus. This painting might be evidence that although created a few centuries ago, it serves as proof that Aliens have existed longer than the humankind. The artist shows Mary, the mother of Jesus, but at her back in the sky is a UFO-like machine. Did this really happen? Guessing we will never find out until we get a chance to go back in time.
Was it possible that the he ancient Egyptians were visited by Martians to help build the pyramids in the Valley of the Kings and Giza? Alien hunters and conspiracy theorist have speculate that the tip of these pyramids on Mars are the size of a 4 car sedan and that the rest of the pyramid body are buried beneath the ground. These images were taken on May 7, 2015 by NASA’s rover Mastcam camera that shows a pyramid of “near perfect design and shape” and that the object is likely “the result of intelligent design and certainly not a trick of light and shadow.” Is it possible that there is life on Mars and that their intelligence and know-how was somehow transferred to ancient Egypt during the times of the pharaohs?
Pharaoh Statue on Mars?
This photo was taken on Mars in the Victoria crater, Cape St. Vincent with the Opportunity Rover 2008. It was sent to Mars to search for any form of possible life. Could be that some form of extraterrestrial lifeform had visited the ancient Egyptians on earth and help the Earthlings built the ancient pyramids. Is it possible that the aliens stopped by Mars and built a statue of the Egyptian pharaoh as a reminder of their visit to planet Earth? Or was this massive statue we see here a souvenir that was given to the aliens to take back to their home?
U.F.O Sighting
This shot taken from the window seat of a plane that sees an unidentified flying object fly past. What could it be? Are we alone in the universe? UFO is the short term for Unidentified Flying Objects. Many people have claimed sightings of UFOs but no one have proved it until this picture appeared. It was taken by someone sitting at the window seat of an airplane, where you don’t have enough room or opportunity to create a hoax. So, the authenticity of the picture cannot be questioned. All that we can come up with is that it could be a little-known military aircraft or just dirt flying around.
Aliens and Orb in the Amazon
This photograph was a still from a video taken by British tourists while on holiday in Mamaus region of the Brazilian Amazon forest showing an alien-like creature standing in the jungle and an orb near by. The Amazon Rainforest is home to some of the world’s strangest creatures and plants, but we had no idea it was inhabited by aliens from the outer space as well. During filming, they couldn’t help noticing an alien-like figure behind the trees and haven’t been able to determine who this could be- a strange creature or an alien.
Starry Night Or……
The first look at this photo generally brings similar reactions from people. They all believe it shows an incredibly unique lineup of stars. But, the thing is that stars usually don’t line up this way. This photo was taken in Phoenix back on a Thursday, March 13, 1997 when residents noticed this odd formation of stars. Some think that it’s merely a trick of the light, but many believe that it’s the UFO formation.
What Happened at Falcon Lake?
UFO sightings aren’t something out of the ordinary. We frequently see images showing UFOs flying carelessly above us. But this is certainly the first time we are seeing a man who probably got into a brawl with the aliens. How else would you explain the odd pattern of the marks on his stomach? This is Stefan Michalak’s photo taken back in 1967 while he was enjoying his day at the Falcon Lake and then ended up getting these burns. The Canadian was inspected by a team of doctors, who concluded that the wound marks oddly scattered across his abdomen was strange.
Solway Firth Spaceman
Clearly, in the picture, there is someone in an astronaut attire standing behind the little girl. Jim Templeton and his daughter on one sunny afternoon was out near their house in the marsh land when he decided to take a photo of his lovely daughter. Jim and his daughter denies seeing anyone while he was clicking the photo. What’s stranger is whoever that spirit or person in the picture is, why was he wearing a spacesuit. The image gained lots of speculation and popularity and was named as the Solway Firth Spaceman in 1964.
The Martian Light
Curiosity the rover did pique our interest with this iconic picture, which has become extremely crucial to NASA. Even after many life and water allegations on Mars, there still hasn’t been any solid proof that Mars is inhabitable. Then comes out this picture, and everyone was asking the same question, what is the source of this light? The world has been searching for the answer ever since the rover sent this picture.
John Doe of Satellites
If what they say about this satellite is true, then the FBI and Aliens can be best friends. They both have fun invading the privacy of people and keeping an eye on what we are doing. Black Knight is a satellite that orbits the earth has been unclaimed and unclassified since its discovery. Still, no information has come on to whom it belongs. Only rumors have spread that it has been launched by aliens to spy on the world.
400 Years Old Swiss Watch
This one definitely took us by surprise. Chinese archaeologists discovered an ornate jewelry item while inspecting a sealed tomb in China’s Shangsi province. Interestingly, the item has the shape of a tiny golden watch with the word Swiss inscribed on its backside. The time is locked at 10:06. Isn’t it a bit too creepy as the tomb was over 400 years old remained undisturbed and sealed shut before a group of archeologist decided to explore the site and found unexpectedly founds this. There have been many conspiracy theories explaining the context of this watch. The best explanation so far is that it belongs to a time traveler.
Norway and Its Lights
Norway is not famous for the Northern lights only, but for another type of weird lights that appear from time to time. These are called the Hessdalen Lights. Unlike the Northern lights, scientists have still not figured out the science behind these lights or why they occur. These wondrous lights that appear only in Norway have caught the interests of numerous people worldwide, but sadly there isn’t much knowledge available about what they are.
Maybe Time-Travel is Real After All
We still have doubts about time traveling in general, but this picture has lowered those doubts. One man in this picture stands out in the crowd, with sunglasses and a printed shirt. This man belongs to a completely different era for sure. The camera gives further proof of him being a time traveler he is holding, not from that particular period. It looks like this guy time-traveled to see the Gold Bridge’s inauguration in Canada, which was eons ago.
UFO in the Sky
Since childhood, we have heard about a possible alien invasion. The world in the 1940s and 1950s used to be in awe of this notion. This picture must have helped the propaganda mills regarding circulating news about Aliens back then. The captured image shows an object in the sky that has countless beams of light emitting from it. Various responses came from people depending on their stance on the whole situation. Some said it was a UFO while some said its just a weather balloon.
Could There Be Life on Mars?
A question that has boggled everyone’s mind for probably over a hundred years is about life on Mars. Scientists have debated extensively over this issue, and they all unanimously claim that due to lack of oxygen, life on the red planet is impossible. However, we think that they overlooked an important detail about Mars, as depicted in this image. The Mars rover captured this image roughly 3,528 days into the mission, and 12 days later, it again captured the same image. As you can also notice, there is a stone in the center of the rock formation, which wasn’t there the first time. If there wasn’t any life on Mars, how did this stone end up there?
Futuristic Female
This is among the most popular time travel pictures ever discovered. It showed a female walking by a poster of Charlie Chaplin’s movie back in 1928. Although you may not find anything unusual in the photo at first glance, if you look closely, you’ll realize that the female is holding a cell phone. How is it even possible since the technology was invented much later. Maybe she isn’t using a cell phone at all, and it’s just her hand help up to her ear. But then again, who does that?
To the Moon and Back
This image was captured by the Apollo 17 while on a mission to the moon. Though the picture is too blurry to interpret anything clearly, we can definitely see a pyramid-like structure right there in the background. NASA disregarded this image completely, claiming that it is blank footage. However, many still believe that there is a structure visible on the moon. Have a closer look at this photo and let us know whose side are you on.